red toolbox   The Stepfamily Plus



The course: The Stepfamily Plus is our most individualized offering for stepfamilies.


Course focus: The Stepfamily Plus is designed for stepfamilies struggling with difficulties characteristic of the stepfamily, but  who are also confronting one or more significant physical, mental health, and/or adjustment issues that extend well beyond typical stepfamily dynamics. 


Since other service providers are likely to be involved, additional time for co-ordination of services is likely to be required.


Enrollment:  TBA


Duration: TBA 


Dates:  On-going. 


Fee:  $200 per hour


Presenter:  Certified Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta Counsellor


Registration: Advance registration is required.


Call: (403) 245-5744 to register.


Registered Students:


Click here to see how to use the download site.

Click here to download your course materials.

The information contained on this page is for the personal use of stepfamily members visiting this web site. All other use, reproduction, distribution or storage of this work, in whole or in part, by any and all means, without the express written permission of the author, is strictly prohibited.

Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta