Building Stepfamilies That Work

The Stepparent Survey (SPS)

© Dr. Bill Nodrick 2010




Some individuals may find it difficult to respond to the very frank questions posed in this questionnaire. If you suspect this may be true for you, our recommendation is that you proceed no further.


The Stepparent Survey (SPS) is one of the methods we use to heighten the individual focus and attention that each couple taking the course receives.

What is the Stepparent Survey? The Stepparent Survey (SPS) is one of the methods we use to heighten the individual focus and attention that each couple taking the course receives. It is an on-line survey that asks questions about your stepfamily and its circumstances. Hundreds of other stepparents have completed it, so we can evaluate the information you provide on the SPS against a really solid base of information provided by other stepfamilies.

How do we complete it? Click on the link below. It will take you to the start of the survey. Answer each of the questions as indicated. When you have finished the last question, hit the “send” button to forward your answers to The Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta. We will review them, and (privately) provide you with any thoughts, comments and suggestions we feel would be of help for your stepfamily.

Should we complete the SPS together? No. We prefer that you each complete the SPS independently, because the differences between your answers will help us to understand your family and circumstances much better.

How long will it take? Most people are able to complete the SPS within 30 to 45 minutes.


Click here to start the questionnaire.

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