Building Stepfamilies That Work

The Stepparent Survey (SPS)

© Dr. Bill Nodrick 2010




·         Please answer all questions as indicated. Every item requires a response.  

·         Most often, all you will need to do is select the option that best fits your circumstances. 

·         However, on occasion, you will need to type a short answer into a text box. Any typed answers you provide can be as long as necessary to clearly convey the information of interest.

In total, there are 122 questions that are spread across 15 pages. 

It will take you about 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Demographic Information

Definitions: Following are the definitions we have employed throughout the survey:

Biological Family: A family unit where the child is living with (one or both of) his/her birth parents. The parents may be separated or divorced, or one may be deceased.


Adoptive family: A family unit where at least one of the parents is not the birth parent of the child, but where the child has been legally accepted into the family; and typically takes on the "new" family name.


Foster family: A family unit where neither of the parents is the birth parent of the child, and the child has not been adopted into the family.


Stepfamily: Any spousal union where one or both of the partners has a child, or children, from a previous relationship.


His kids: Children the male partner has had in a previous relationship or relationships.


Her kids: Children the female partner has had in a previous relationship or relationships.


Our kids: Children the couple has had together in the present relationship.  



1. All items require a response.

2. For individuals who are not stepparents, please select the best option provided for all questions that do not directly apply to your circumstances.





1. Are you a stepparent?  


1b. If you are NOT a stepparent, select the option that best fits your current circumstances:


  • Please note: You will find that a good number of the following items will not apply for you. For these items, simply select "N/A", or the option that fits your circumstances best.



2. Is this your first stepfamily union?


3. Are you currently living in a stepfamily setting?   


4. Your current relationship status:




6. Please type your current occupation into this box.                                         




8. Your Partner's Occupation? 


9. Have you or your partner ever taken a course (or courses) on stepfamilies?


9b. If yes, were any of these courses provided by the Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta?


10.  Have you or your partner ever seen a counsellor regarding stepfamily issues?


10b. If yes, was any of the counselling provided by the Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta?

11a. The total number of years you have been involved in your current (or most recent) relationship:

                    [Include all the years you were dating.]

            11b. Total number of years you have been living with your current (or most recent) partner: 


            11c. Total number of years you have been married to your current (or most recent) partner:  


            11d. Total number of years you have been separated from your current (or most recent) partner:


            11e. Total number of years you have been divorced from your most recent partner:


            11f. Total number of years you have been bereaved by your most recent partner:  



In general, within 5 to 10  seconds, a confirmation message will appear that will direct you to the next section of the questionnaire. However, when the volume of traffic is very high, the wait can become somewhat longer. Please be patient.

Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta.
Copyright © 2007. All rights reserved.
Revised: April 20, 2013