Couple Relationship

History of Your Present Relationship:

31b. Who made the decision to end your previous relationship?

31c. Who struggled the most with the end of your previous relationship?

32. How much time passed between the end of your previous relationship and the start of your current relationship?

33. At that time, what were the main things you were looking to find in a relationship?

34. In the end, what drew you to your current present partner?

35. How did you react when you learned that they already had a child/children?

36. Were your biological kids in favour of your becoming involved in your present relationship?

37. When you were first considering starting a relationship with your current partner, how aware were you of the difficulties stepfamilies typically encounter?

38. If you had been more aware of the difficulties stepfamilies typically encounter, do you feel you might have decided against starting the relationship?

39. Did you and your current partner spend much time discussing or planning how you were going to put this family together and make it work?   


Your Current Relationship:

40. Who makes the bigger contribution to the household income?

41. Who makes the bigger contribution in terms of household chores?

42. Who invests more of their time into the family at this point in time?

43. Who do you feel is making the bigger overall investment into the family at this point in time?

44a. What do you feel is your primary responsibility to your partner?

44b. What do you feel is your partner’s primary responsibility to you?


If 10 seconds have passed and you are still waiting for the confirmation message, say: "She sells sea shells by the sea shore" ten times in rapid succession.

Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta.
Copyright © 2007. All rights reserved.
Revised: June 21, 2014