Building Successful Stepfamilies

In Print


These booklets are produced in association with our workshops for stepfamilies. They: a) provide an "executive summary" of the workshops, and b) detail specific strategies and practical techniques stepfamily members can use to address difficulties associated with the topic under consideration.

Tools to Master 4 Essential Stepfamily Tasks

In this workshop participants:  


1) learned the four tasks every stepfamily must confront and master in order to succeed, and

2) worked with others to develop a range of practical strategies to confront and master these essential tasks.


Tools to Master 4 Essential Stepfamily Tasks is now available:

a)  for free -- to any parent who completes our Stepparenting Styles Questionnaire,  and

b) it is also available for purchase. Click here to purchase and download your copy now.

Stepfamily Dynamics: Tools for Resolving a Collision Course

Stepfamily members typically hold one of three different agendas that place them on a collision course with other members of the stepfamily. In this workshop you will learn:


1) what these agendas are, 

2) who holds them and why, and 

3) exactly what you need to do to prevent the conflict they produce.


Participants will work extensively in a small group setting. Enrolment is limited.


Email us if you would like to be notified as each booklet in this series becomes available.

The information contained on this page is for the personal use of stepfamily members visiting this web site. All other use, reproduction, distribution or storage of this work, in whole or in part, by any and all means, without the express written permission of the author, is strictly prohibited.

Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta